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Rental rates will be confirmed upon move in and are subject to change until move in.     


Deer Creek

Now Accepting Applications!

Brand New Apartments Now Ready for Move-in!  

The opening of the Deer Creek Apartments adds to the supply of affordable rental housing in our community with one, two, and three bedroom apartments now leasing! Deer Creek Apartments is a 156-unit affordable housing project in beautiful Chico, California providing affordable 1, 2 and 3 bedroom housing for families earning up to 60% of the area median income (AMI) for Butte County. We are now accepting applications. If you are ready to apply please submit an application via the ‘Apply Now’ link above and also feel free to utilize the Affordable Housing Roadmap, Criteria for Residency, Income Calculator, and Income Guidelines and Rental Rates found on our Helpful Resources page.

Brand new apartments are ready for move-in now
and applications are now being accepted.